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SX Bet Fees

How does SX Bet make money?

Jay avatar
Written by Jay
Updated over a week ago

Fee Structure

There's only one fee on SX Bet, and it comes on winning bets after they've settled. Currently, SX Bet charges a 2% fee on each winning bet. This means that if you place a $100 bet that returns $200 (i.e. $100 of profit), you would pay a $2 fee (i.e. 2% of the $100 profit). If you place a bet and lose, you won't be charged a fee.

We cover all gas fee costs associated with using SX Bet.
​Will I be charged if I cancel my bet offer?

No, if you offer a bet and you cancel it, you will not be charged a fee. SX Bet only takes fees on bet after they have settled.
​What will SX Bet do with fees?

SX Bet uses these fees to able to continue covering transaction expenses, incentivize more liquidity, and fund the SX Bet Tour tournaments.

We're not using these fees to fund dividends to shareholders; every single dollar of revenue is reinvested to cover platform development and drive adoption.

We're constantly researching ways to create an entirely self-funded and community-owned platform that doesn't extract rent from it's users.

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