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All CollectionsBetting Rules
American Football Betting Rules
American Football Betting Rules
Jay avatar
Written by Jay
Updated over 5 months ago

Minimum Time for Action:

  1. For betting purposes, winners and losers are determined by the final score (including overtime), provided that the game has gone at least 55 minutes.

  2. If a game is suspended after 55 minutes and not resumed the same day, then regardless of whether the game is completed at a later date, the score when the game is halted will determine the betting results.

  3. If play is suspended before the completion of 55 minutes and not resumed the same day, all bets on the full game will be scored as "no action" and all monies refunded. If part of the game has finished (i.e. first quarter, first half, second quarter, or third quarter) those bets will be graded as action providing the entire period has finished.

Additional Rules:

  1. All bets on the game and all bets on the second half will include overtime scoring.

  2. Bets on fourth quarters will not include overtime scoring.

  3. Unless noted before the contest, as long as the event is played on the schedule day, all bets have action. In addition, if inclement weather (or similar delay) pushes the start time past midnight local time, but the game is still played, then all bets have action. If the game is rescheduled, all bets are cancelled.

  4. The NFL "Away Points/Home Points" betting proposition includes all games played in a given NFL week which includes all games played from Thursday to Monday.

  5. NFL and NCAA Propositions will be graded using the results listed at

  6. In Canadian Football, a "single" is defined as any one-point scoring play, excluding PATs (Points After Touchdown).

  7. For betting purposes, defensive points do not include PATs (Points After Touchdowns).

  8. Las Vegas betting rules will apply to any situations not covered herein.

  9. If an event venue is changed all wagers on the event will have no action.

Highest/Lowest Team Total:

  1. Bets on Highest Team Total or Lowest Team Total will stand ("have action") only if games are played on the scheduled dates and at the scheduled sites, as listed on the Pinnacle Website.

  2. If teams tie for the highest team total, the winner will be the team with the greatest winning margin (least points scored by the opposition). If the winning margins are also equal, all bets on the tied teams will be graded as winners.

  3. If teams tie for the lowest team total, the winner will be the team with the greatest losing margin (most points scored by the opposition). If the losing margins are also equal, all bets on the tied teams will be graded as winners.

College Football Season Wins Rules:

  1. Bowl Games and Conference Championship Games are NOT used towards teams season wins total - Regular Season Games ONLY.

  2. Teams must play every scheduled regular season game for action.

NCAA Football Conference Championship Futures Rules:

  1. If the conference has an official championship game, the winner of the championship game is deemed to have won that conference.

  2. If the conference has co-champions, the first team picked by the BCS is graded as a winner, and all other teams are losers. If a conference has co-champions, and no team is picked by the BCS, ALL team bets will be graded as "No action" and refunded.

  3. For divisional odds within conferences, the team participating in the conference championship game will be considered to have won that division.

NFL/NCAA Game Propositions - Team Performance:

10 points for a win (tie 5 points for each team).
1 point for each point the team scores.
Total points equals team performance.

Raiders 24 Final
Patriots 10

Raiders Performance = 34
Patriots Performance = 10

NFL/NCAA Live Proposition:

Team to Score Next
For the Proposition Team to Score Next, Extra Points and 2 Points Conversions are not considered a score. The point after try is considered part of the scoring TD.

For example: The line is for the Saints to Score Next (2nd Score) vs Viking to Score Next (2nd Score). If the Vikings score a TD and then kick the PAT, for grading purposes, this is one score only. Therefore, Saints vs Vikings bets on the Team to Score Next (2nd score) Proposition will remain pending.

NFL/NCAA 1st Half Propositions - Team Performance:

6 points for a win (tie 3 points for each team).
1 point for each point the team scores.
Total points equals team performance.

Giants 14 End 1st Half
Redskins 10

Giants Performance = 20
Redskins Performance = 10

NFL and NCAA Propositions:

  1. For all American Football Propositions involving passing statistics for a QB, that QB must have one pass attempt for action.

  2. For all American Football Propositions involving rushing attempts/yards for a QB, that QB must play for action. If the QB plays but has no rushing attempts, then yards for first attempt will be graded as zero yards (under is winner), and under will be declared winner of any Proposition regarding the QB’s rushing yards.

  3. For all American Football Propositions involving receiving yards on first reception or longest reception for a specific player, that player must play for action. Note that if the player plays, but does not have a catch, his first reception yards and longest reception proposition will be graded as zero yards (under is the winner).

  4. For American Football Propositions involving rushing attempts/yards for a RB, that RB must play for action. If the RB plays but has no rushing attempts, then yards for first attempt and longest rush propositions will be graded as zero yards, and under will be declared winner of all rushing yardage propositions.

  5. If there is a score at exactly the 7:30, 6:30, or 2:00 (etc) minute mark, then the related propositions on whether there will be a score within that time frame of the game, half or quarter will be graded yes (in other words the score would count).

  6. For first 1st down of game prop on run or pass, the bet is for the first 1st down play not achieved through a penalty.

  7. For Super Bowl MVP propositions, if there are co-MVP’s, any bet related would be paid at full odds. If there is yes/no on Super Bowl MVP and named player is co-MVP, then yes will be declared winner and paid at full odds.

  8. All 4th down conversion propositions, will be graded based on official box scores found at

  9. For multiway (3 or more contestants) propositions regarding MVP, first/last player to catch pass, first/last player to score touchdown, first/last player to have interception, all betting will be all-in (no refunds).

  10. For will either team score 2, 3, 4, or 5 unanswered times propositions, extra points and two point conversions do not count, and any return, by the opposition, on an extra point or two point conversion also does not count.

  11. For over/under of longest TD in game, if there are no TD’s in the game, then these propositions have no action.

  12. For propositions involving an entire team's quarterbacks, only statistics achieved by quarterbacks listed on the team's roster will count. For example, if a running back throws a touchdown pass, that would NOT be counted as a completion/attempt nor a TD pass for that team's quarterbacks.

  13. Special Teams and Defensive Touchdowns Propositions:

    The only touchdowns considered to be special teams touchdowns are on plays where the ball is actually kicked or punted (these include: kickoff returns, punt returns, returns of a fumbled kick return, returns of a fumbled punt return, blocked field goal returns, or blocked punt returns).A fake field goal or fake punt which results in a touchdown by the team that snapped the ball is an offensive touchdown.

  14. For propositions involving a player to "score" a TD, passing for a TD is not considered a score for the player who threw the pass (unless, in very rare instances, the passer catches his own pass). For example, if there is a prop “will any player score 2 TD's in a game”, if a player throws for a TD, and runs for a TD, he will be deemed to have one TD, not two.

  15. For “first team penalized for pass interference” props, both defensive and offensive interference counts. However, the penalty must be accepted and enforced on that play to have action. If there are offsetting penalties negating enforcement of interference, then the winner will be determined when an interference penalty is enforced.

  16. For “first team penalized for holding” props, both defensive and offensive holding counts. However the penalty must be accepted and enforced on that play to have action. If there are offsetting penalties negating enforcement of holding, then the winner will be determined when a holding penalty is enforced.

  17. For team with longest kickoff return proposition, both teams listed must have at least one kick return for action.

  18. For team with longest punt return proposition, both teams listed must have at least one punt return for action.

  19. Odd or Even Player Propositions:

  20. Proposition for number of different players to score:

  21. For over/under distance of a quarterback's first TD pass, he must throw a TD pass for action.

  22. A free kick after a safety is not considered to be a punt for any proposition, regardless of how the free kick is executed.

  23. NFL Weekly Propositions

  24. To have action on NFL or NCAA Propositions, associated games must be played on the scheduled date and at the scheduled site.

  25. For "yes/no will a certain player win the Heisman Trophy" wagers the player must play in his team's first scheduled game for action.

  26. For "Will the game be tied after the first score?" propostion, yes will be declared the winner if the game is tied after the first score, regardless of whether it is tied before or after an extra point or 2 point conversion.

  27. For player vs player longer kickoff return, both players listed must have at least one kick return for action. For player vs player longer punt return, both players listed must have at least one punt return for action.

  28. A blocked punt will count as a punt for propositions for that team's number of punts (and number of punts by both teams combined). However, a blocked punt will not count as a punt for any individually named punter's propositions.

  29. For propositions regarding what will be the last score of the game (or quarter, half), conversions do not count(only Touchdowns, Field Goals, Safeties will count).

  30. For will a specific punter have a punt for a touchback, that punter must have at least one punt for action.

  31. For shortest/longest punt by a specific punter, that punter must have at least one punt for action.

  32. For total punts by a specific punter, if that punter is active and does not have a punt, then under will be declared the winner.

  33. For longest or shortest successful field goal of game propositions, if there are no successful field goals, then those propositions have no action.

  34. For whether point total propositions in American Football are an odd or an even number, zero will be considered an even number.

NFL Regular Season Player vs Player Matchups:

  1. NFL regular season player vs player matchup propositions will not include the playoffs.

  2. Both players must play week 1 of the regular season for wagers to have action.

  3. Passing for a touchdown is not considered scoring a touchdown.

NFL Futures:

  1. For AFC or NFC Championship Winner futures, the champion of the respective conference will be the team that reaches the Super Bowl from that conference.

NFL Football Regular Season Wins:

  1. NFL regular season win bets will be graded when the following two things occur:

  2. If there is any doubt that the season will be less than 16 games for a team, we will wait to grade regular season win bets for that team until after the 16th game. However, once a regular season win bet has been graded, it will not be changed, even in the extremely unlikely event the team ends up playing less than 16 games.

Additional Markets - Individual Quarter & Half Betting

  1. All Quarter betting will be determined based on the number of points scored in the specified quarter for each wager. Points scored in a quarter before or after the designated quarter of the wager will not impact the settlement of the wager.

  2. This applies to all market offerings including but not limited to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Quarter Spreads, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Quarter Money Line, and 1st, 2nd 3rd Quarter Over/Under

  3. All First-Half betting markets will be graded based on the number of points scored in the first half of the game.

    1. This includes all market types, including but not limited to: 1st Half Spread, 1st Half Money Line, and First Half Over/Under

Super Bowl Exotic Props Rules

Result of Coin Toss" (Heads/Tails) markets will be settled according to whether the coin toss lands on the heads or tails side. A bet on "Result of Coin Toss: Tails" would be graded a win in the case the coin lands on the tails side.

"Result of Coin Toss" (Team) markets will be settled according to which team wins the coin toss. A bet on "Result of Coin Toss: 49ers" would be graded a win if the 49ers win the coin toss.

"Mentioned First in MVP Speech" markets will be settled according to which of three items are mentioned (verbatim) first in the MVP speech: God, Teammates, or Coach. If more than one of these items is mentioned in the MVP speech, the one mentioned earliest in the speech would be the winning outcome. If none of these items are mentioned by name at any point in the speech, the market will be voided and stakes returned.

Super Bowl Prop Rules

In regard to prop bets for individual players, if the player is listed as 'active' on all bets regarding that player have action. Wagers on player props will be only be voided if the player is listed ‘inactive’ (out or injured) prior to the start of the game.

All wagers will be settled based on the full game clock and overtime.

Super Bowl - Touchdown Scorer

Touchdown scorer markets will be settled as "TD" if the competitor in question has possession of the ball in the End Zone and is considered to have scored a confirmed Touchdown at any point during the game. If the competitor in question does not score a confirmed touchdown at any point during the game, the market will settle as "NO TD".

Super Bowl - Method of First Score

Method of first score markets will be settled as "touchdown" if the first points scored in the game are via the method of touchdown. If the first score is the result of either a safety or field goal, the market will settle as "Field Goal or Safety".

Super Bowl - Players to Attempt Pass

For a player to be considered to have attempted to pass, they must attempt to make a legal and forward pass from behind the line of scrimmage on an offensive play.

Super Bowl - MVP

Super Bowl MVP markets will be settled according to which player receives the Super Bowl 58 MVP award. The market will settle as "OTHER" if the player named in the market is not named and awarded Super Bowl MVP.

Super Bowl - First Coaches Challenge

First Coaches Challenge markets will be settled according to whether the first call challenged by a coach in the game stands or is overturned. If the call stands following the first challenge of the game, the market will settle as "Call Stands". Settlement for this market is based off the first coach's challenge of the game, regardless of which team the challenge comes from. If no coach's challenge are used during the game, the market will be settled as push and all stakes will be returned.

Super Bowl - Missed Field Goal in Match

Missed Field Goal markets will be settled as "Missed Field Goal in Match" if at any point during the game, either team attempts a field goal through the uprights with a place kick and is unsuccessful in scoring a field goal. If no field goals are attempted, or all field goal attempts are successful, the market will settle as "NO Missed Field Goal in Match".

Super Bowl - First Kickoff

First Kickoff markets will be settled according to whether the very first kickoff of the game results in a touchback or not. If the first kickoff results in a touchback, the market will settle as "Touchback". If the first kickoff does not result in a touchback, the market will settle as "NO Touchback".

Super Bowl - First Offensive Play (Team)

First Offensive Play (Team) markets will be settled as "Pass" if the team in question attempts to make a legal forward pass on their first offensive play of the game. If the team in question attempts to make a rushing play on their first offensive play of the game, the market will settle as "Run". If the team does not attempt to make a passing or rushing play on their first offensive play of the game, the market will be voided and all stakes will be returned.

Tua Tagovailoa Retires By September 30th, 2024

Markets on Tua Tagovailoa's retirement will be be settled according to whether Tua Tagovailoa officially retires from the NFL by 11:59PM EST on September 30th, 2024.

The source for settlement of this market will be official and publicly verifiable announcements from reputable sources, such as the NFL, Miami Dolphins, or Tua Tagovailoa himself. If Tua announces his retirement by 11:59PM EST September 30th, the market will settle as "Tua Tagovailoa Retires" If no such announcement is made by the deadline, the market will settle as "OTHER." Any ambiguity or postponement of the retirement decision beyond September 30th will result in a "OTHER" settlement.

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